3rd July 1990
The Japanese pasta place Sarah didn't want to eat at with me the other time, and it was GOOD! I loved my wafu sauce pasta. :)
Giving in to Yuhan's love for mirror shots. This girl is officially more camwhore-y than I am.
Wooyeah! She looks so passionate when she plays the harmonica, she's like totally swaying along the the music!
Stephie, my council love. :D Your special someone was sitting behind me and I kept looking back to check what he was doing! HAHAHA.
So what was so freaky about the day? Besides the scratches I got from Friday's unfortunate gate-climbing incident, immediately after we left City Plaza, I found that I had lost one side of my earring. Then, at Marina Square, Yanwen broke her expensive Coach keyring. While leaving the place, some ah beng-ish guy shouted into her ear "F__ing pretty!", insulting her even while making a compliment. And then when we got onto the bus to Somerset, Yuhan found that she had lost her friendship band that we had just bought.
Isn't this just totally ominous already?
And then after the busking thing, I tried to help carry the stupid cymbals thing, and had to stupidly drop one of them on my left toe. It freaking hurt, but I was too stoned to register the pain until I got onto the cab, and by then it was bleeding like shit. Lesson learnt was that the cymbals come in a set of three, not two.
And now I'm reduced to walking with a limp. :( Ruined my plan of going to the beach tomorrow lah. Oh well.
This is a really long post, so I shall stop here and continue some other day, which might be days later since I'm going to Malaysia soon, and the next few days are supposed to be spent sleeping off my sleep debt. So yes, till the next post!
Life moves along and it trickles down the cheeks of every beautiful boy
Time comes along and it breaks every bone in your spine
It's Mothers' Day today, and we ate at some Istanbul eatery place, where the service was crap. Guess it's our own fault we forgot to book some place in advance, but seriously, I felt like I was talking to air everytime I tried asking for something! At least the Turkish waiter was quite pleasing to the eye. And it seems like every Mothers' Day I have no contribution at all. Maybe I should bake, or something. HAHA.
I wonder what kind of mother I'll be in the future, if I decide to have kids, that is. According to Facebook, I will make a good mother (potentially). LOL.
Think I'm supposed to say this to be politically correct, so "I forgive you", wayne teo. But I will definitely not forget. (and now I sound super petty)
For some strange reason I tend to be especially uptight when people spill things over me, which I happen to have some affinity to. So now I can add coke to my record of milo, soya bean, bubble tea and watermelon juice.
Choir concert tomorrow, yay. Can't wait for Wednesday too! :D