I swear I will scream the next time someone's blog bloody bursts out in song extremely loudly. My mind is already overflowing trying to remember whose blogs play music automatically so I can stop the disaster before it blows up my brains. I just really don't like having my song messed up by sudden drum beats and the like. :(
As expected, the seimon shop at PS was wonderful beyond words! I wanted to bring every single Rilakkuma thing back home but too bad I couldn't. I think I must do something to curb my obsession, I can totally see myself being ostracised in university for being too childish or act cute or something along those lines.
Math was luckily quite OK (since I was thinking to myself it was relatively easy). I curse my inability to use the GC and to work out AP and GP patterns.
Still can't decide what M18-ish thing to do on my birthday. Turning 18 is so exciting lah! The simulacra of the high life at 18 is so completely misleading.
♥ 22:21
The days after CT2 were so liberating, I almost feel as though I'm ready for school again. Yay. Spent the long weekend doing everything I wanted during the holidays - shopping, eating, singing, and watching Zettai Kareshi, which is now officially one of my favouritest Jdorama ever!
And what makes me really really happy is how Plaza Sing has this wonderful shop with so much Rilakkuma merchandise!!! God must have heard my cries for more the need for more kukubear love in Singapore.
3rd July, anyone? ;)
Starting to fall in love with ayaka's new album after all. :D I'm so fickle-minded.
♥ 21:24
Having a splitting headache (I like to think it's from all my wonderful studying) and a horrible urge to vomit. Is it possible to become pregnant without having sex? Maybe I'll be like, the first person in the world to have a foetus sprout in my uterus out of thin air. Will explain my irregular periods very well.
Must learn to speak less crudely.
Met with Elena after like a gazillion years, which reminded me of my lost June holidays spent mugging my ass off. :( Oh man, this is so depressing.
Been crafting weird, crazy ideas in my mind lately. Like how my mom will sprout the biggest surprise of my life by telling me that I'm actually adopted on my 18th birthday. I should really grow up to become the amazing scriptwriter Mediacorp doesn't have.
1 more week to the end of the exams. Yayzer!
♥ 00:02
I totally cannot stand it when people complain about how much they hate Chinese just because they suck at it. And usually people like that suck at English too. In that case, don't talk lor, we are tired of trying to understand their poor articulation anyway.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to you, Andrea Chow Jing Wen! Good luck studying in Australia, hopefully you will figure out whether accountancy or law's for you! And of course, good luck with ****** :D See you again soon (don't forget to bring back a lovely present hor) !
P.S. Totally ignoring my supposed hiatus. More chionging for CT2s this last week of holidays! JIAYOU JIAYI
♥ 00:02

RILAKKUMA 5th Anniversary this August. So adorable lah! They are like, all kings and queens.

I want these! If only I lived in Japan :(
♥ 13:45
Last time I'm blogging until CT2 is over, I promise!
Much more productive studying with lynn-san today, think we make good study buddies. But I was really, really slow, and studied only chem bonding within 4 hours :(
Lots to look forward to after CT2! ayaka's Sing to the Sky on 25th June, YUI's Summer Song on 2nd July, and of course, Jiayi's birthday on 3rd July! :D (Presents, people! xD)
Opened my wardrobe to find Rilakkuma wrapped up nicely waiting for me. :D Now the family is complete other than the weird penguin thing! Shall take some nice photos and post them up some day.
For now, more studying until my brains are saturated. CT2, I'm so gonna rock you.
♥ 00:08
WELCOME BACK TO SINGAPORE JIAYI! OK lah, technically I was back two days ago, so it should be welcome back to the internet jiayi!
Malaysia was tiring as usual, but at least there was a good mix of shopping, visiting relatives and having general fun this time round. I feel tulan now thinking about going to kbox in Singapore, when the karaoke lounges in malaysia are so much cheaper. And I had a good time laughing at my cousin singing, HAHAHAHA. Seems like good singing genes (from my relatively unknown singer grandma) are generally not passed to the male side of the family. Seriously, both my sisters sing relatively well, my eldest cousin sings like Faye Wong, my elder cousin sings like a-mei with an old-fashioned tone, but all my male cousins sing like crap.
Avalon chalet was okay-ish, only around 10 people turned up. Got addicted to the stupid drum mania thing on Jiehao's laptop, and played weird strategic board games zhihan brought. I ain't no strategic games person, I never think when I play any games, even bridge! So of course I didn't win, but I didn't lose either.
Studying with yanwen and may at the airport yesterday left me feeling really irritated with myself for not being able to focus and just stoning all the time. Did 2 pages of eukaryotic genome, 10 pages of chem kinetics and vectors 1. :( Time to stop fooling around lah.
XINRONG: I still want to go to Sentosa! BRR.
♥ 12:12