OMG. (Ok haven't really reached that state yet, but this is 4 days in advance as I am seriously going on a hiatus after this!)
♥ 01:11
OMG!!! I'm totally, completely hooked onto this website right now. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the virtual world's very first....
online karaoke!
The good news for Karaoke haters who usually hate karaoke ["because it's for cheena people!] is that this website has solely English songs.
So I just registered out of pure curiosity, and I love it already. For one thing, it totally measures your pitching for you, and they have these little bar things to show you how accurate your pitching was. It's damn amusing, watching the bars and feeling super full of yourself when your pitching matches the bar exactly.
The first song I sang was "Because of You", which is totally not my type of song, but it was like, the most popular song or something so I just clicked on it.
Too bad if you don't have a computer mike, you are missing out on all the fun already!
♥ 00:53
I'm deriving sick pleasure from rejecting random friend requests. Haha, but I accepted one from a girl I love to hate, I'm even surprised she bothered to add me!
And why is it getting so difficult to find someone's blog on google? It used to be so easy, just type in the name, a bit more information, and voila, you've got it! Either google has deteriorated, or my searching skills have.
Still feeling a bit upset that the school library died on us. :( Hate having to share classrooms with people!
♥ 22:56
First time I'm staying at home to study, and as expected I have spent the ealier part of the day doing absolutely nothing. I really have a wonderful ability to appear like I'm doing something really productive, when in actual fact nothing is really being registered in my brain. I always use this to cheat my mom into thinking that I'm studying. :)
Anyway, after reading Daryl's post about isshokenmei (which is totally representative of what's going on for everyone right now), I was struck with realisation that the last time I watched an anime was what, one year ago! ef ~a tale of memories~ So I went to crunchyroll to relive some of those lovely scenes in the anime and found out that there's a second season going on right now! I'm like really really happy and trying to resist watching the first episode.
Another item to add to my list to things to do after the A Levels. Speaking of which, I have decided to scrape the 101 things in 1001 days, because it's a little too short-lived and short term, and am going to do up a list of things to do before i die kind of list.
Randomly, I wish the word "thing" had more synonyms, because then I would not be stuck with using the word everytime I'm stuck and can't seem to find a word to describe that...
thing.And I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling this way, but the exam period always gives me an extreme sense of isolation from everyone, although I'm admittedly intentionally isolating myself from certain people. Even when I'm not studying alone, I can't help but feel distant from even the person sitting right next to me. If this went on any longer than 20th November I swear I would go crazy.
Oh, and I want to read Thomas Friedman's "Hot, Flat and Crowded", mainly because I'm wondering how different it will be from his "The World is Flat". And a gazillion other books as well.
♥ 14:47
Is it normal for my mind to be filled with a million distractions and for my mom to think that 3 weeks is a lot of time left to study for the A Levels? Secretly I agree with her - I really don't know what to do with the remaining days because I just can't bring myself to read those horrid notes again, but I feel that I don't know enough to start attempting all those papers! Talk about ambivalence man.
And I want to watch the new Ghibli film! Marj if you're reading this must remember to bring for me OK! And we can sing Baby Don't Cry together. Hahaha.
♥ 20:55
I'm laughing to myself reading this list of 253 things to do when you're really, REALLY bored in class. I wish I've seen it earlier! Maybe then I would have done some of those things myself.
Some of my favourites:
- Stumble into class, slur your words and tell your teacher `I swear to drunk I’m not God ’
- Randomly laugh hysterically (although I suspect I may have done this before)
- If your teacher walks around the room during the test, cover your test and glare at them suspiciously.
- Walk down the aisle and pretend someone tripped you. Glare at that person for the rest of class.
- Hold your head and groan, then tell your teacher that your multiple personalities are fighting.
And a new comic I found online! I think the sheep is like, really cute. :D

♥ 22:48
I'm in love with Love Psychedelico! <3 Their songs are so uplifting. "oh sing it to me, your song..."
I realise I really like studying in school at night, the atmosphere is just so peaceful and unassuming, and it's the only time I can listen to my playlist without changing the songs or anything, because I'm just in this totally zen and absorbent state of mind.
The school does look a bit like a haunted house at night though. VJ's so environmentally friendly that they leave half the lights off. And then there's the random lizards, insects and the rat we saw today.
GP Mock exam today was full of bullshit, just kept going on and on with my moral argument on why the more educated can never satisfied with their growing greed in the capitalist society. Even managed to throw in the Wall Street example to prove my point on greed. Totally expecting a horrid grade. Kept thinking I was writing a Lit essay! Hahaha.
And you know what? I can't believe this, but I'm actually starting to feel like, excited, about the A Levels! There's this conflicting feeling of wanting it to come as soon as possible, but not feeling prepared for it.
Anyway, was just checking out this horoscope page, and was totally amazed when it wrote that Cancer's lucky numbers are 3 and 7, which are totally
my lucky numbers! Wonderful. And supposedly the body parts ruled by Cancer are the breasts and stomach. Hmmm.
Isn't it interesting how horoscopes are written? I would love such a job, you know. Writing total nonsense and still getting paid for it. Imagine the fun I would derive doing it! "On Wednesday, you will go through a life changing experience as you suddenly come to terms with your sexuality and decide you are gay/lesbian, and confess your true feelings to your best friend." I mean, I'm sure the truly faithful will actually hang on to every single word and try to make life go according to the predictions.
(Am a little embarrassed by how I used to follow the horoscope and exclaim with wonder when something remotely similar to what is written happens to me. LOL.)
But then I guess the horoscope does give people a little hope in their lives when they read something optimistic, no?
I always have trouble thinking about how to end blog posts.
♥ 23:41
Positive thinking, positive thinking. I think I'm starting to become more and more pessimistic about life, which totally just ain't my thing!
Maybe solitude is what I need.
♥ 22:46
I feel so alienated from the virtual world. I only just found out about the new Singaporean sex scandal involving this apparently rather fat guy and not-so-pretty girl called Sun Tan (what kind of name is that anyway?). Seriously, when will people learn that the internet is NEVER going to be private?
2 more days to the end of official lessons. :)/:(?
♥ 23:55