The fangirling cycle kind of goes like this for me: for 2 months or so, I will be this complete fanatic refreshing the page every couple of minutes, WILLING the subbed episode to appear miraculously, and then for the next 3 months, I will be this internet-hating kind of bookworm. Anyway, I'm currently in the heat of the fanatic phase, and I really wish episode 16 would appear soon. :(
Sigh. Shall make do with fan discussions and photos for the moment.
I'm also feeling frustrated because I simply cannot operate with less than 9 hours of sleep. I've been walking around like a zombie lately because I sleep too late and wake up too damn early for work and I hate the feeling! I need to do something about this "need-for-a-lot-of-sleep" illness.
I also plan to cut my hair sometime soon. I am so bloody sick of long hair!
♥ 20:42
You know how there's this "list of emo songs" meme circulating around facebook? I wish it was a "list of happy songs" instead, I have so many loves for that! <3

Anyway, KimBum is my new love. He completely redefines the term "hotness"! <3<3<3 Everyone should watch the Korean boys over flowers, it is so unbelievably good!
Also, I have found a new website to entertain myself. I love self-deprecatory people. If you think your life is screwed up, think again after reading
♥ 20:55
Because there is nothing much to do at work, I have been reading lots of online news from websites like straitstimes, STOMP and Todayonline. By chance, I read the one about reducing transport fares, and I was feeling quite happy by the prospect of paying less for the horrid adult fare. Much to my disappointment, though, the so called "reduction" is a mere 2cents. Total fail yo.
My favourite is STOMP though, because all sorts of weird people post up news items which make no sense to me at all. Seriously, do we want to read about someone putting their shopping on the seats etc?
In other news, the rumour that results will be out on 6th March is getting more and more valid support. Prepare to die, comrades. My heart is going tokidoki as I type this.
♥ 14:08
I am so completely out of touch with this alien territory known as "school". Heck, it took me a whole minute to remember Ho Wei Kang's name! And I still can't recall the name of that fat chemistry teacher after almost an hour. =/ Anyone can help me with this?
Also, sorry to all to whom I still owe photos! I am too lazy for my own good. :(
It has also dawned on me that I have basically been wasting my time these past 3 months or so. Sure, I've been having lots of fun meeting up with people and spending money like free, but I realise I haven't done anything meaningful! This is horrible. Post-As are supposed to be like, enriching and unforgettable and all.
♥ 22:15
Everyone's out of the office besides me and my other colleague (the other whom I'm closest to) so it's slacking time all the way. Contrary to popular belief, slacking can be sian when you bum around for tooo long.
Anyway, I've been introduced to what people dearly term "office politics" these few days, and somehow, as always, I find myself belonging to every single clique. I think I have the "I'm friends with everyone" face so they all think I'm harmless. Good for me lah, but I just hope no major conflict occurs to make me caught in the middle.
So I've finally made up my mind to learn driving after all. I was a bit afraid of the idea of driving on the streets at first but now I think it will be useful for me to learn before university, so yes, my aim is to pass it the first time round! :D
It's one of the items on my 101 in 1001 days list, which I've restarted doing. Stuck at no. 31, omigosh. It's so difficult to think of
realistic goals!
In other news, V-day is just around the corner. I think I'm starting to feel the jitters about being single and all. OMG. I'm getting old :(
♥ 13:34
I am currently super addicted to the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango as well as Mei-chan no Shitsuji. The internet rocks! <3
Also, I found a new job last Saturday and started work today at this company called Modern-Pak which is super random because it seems to do all sorts of things, but mainly it focuses on plastic packaging. Anyways, I'm still not too sure what my job scope is but it was a good first day of work because half the day was spent in my boss' car to places like his farm in Lim Chu Kang and his friend's house.
And I felt like I was back to school today when he asked me to help mix chemicals like iron and copper sulphate to make fertiliser. So fun.
Only problem I have is worrying about what to wear. It seems so difficult to fathom what "work appropriate" clothing means.
Anyhow, the weather's been really bad these few days and I've been getting serious cases of sweaty palms and feet o: It's really horrid because I keep slipping around in my shoes and my hands feel permanently sticky. The world's so super chaotic now; it's like floods in a certain area, droughts and fires in another. The end of the world is coming!!
♥ 21:33
It's three days in a row now, that I have been rudely awoken by either some thing or another. OMG, I swear I am going crazy soon. It doesn't help that I'm one of those people who take forever (i.e. one to two hours) rolling about in my bed just to fall asleep.
*goes into a swearing rant*
♥ 09:38
My mom would pass me the papers in the morning and I will sit there happily circling the jobs I think I can try for. Then when I'm done, I throw the newspapers aside. So much for jobhunting. =/
Anyway, I'm starting to feel really annoyed by all these family gatherings when they go like "hey bring your boyfriend along too!", and I'll just smile sheepishly. I need to find a pretend boyfriend to solve all these woes! =( Oh, how I wish they really did manufacture hot robots as boyfriends like in zettai kareshi. I want I want!
♥ 16:26
It's been slightly more than a week since I've been out of work, and life's pretty good! :D I've been watching loads of DVDs and now I've finally found a new drama I want to watch, with my loves Nana Eikura and Hiro Mizushima! <3 My heart must be really full because I have so many loves.
I probably should start job hunting next week but something tells me I will keep making excuses
not to start. Anyway, orientation's starting tomorrow and I'm looking forward to mass dancing at suntec! Gosh, how I miss those uniform donning, brainless days when we just sit around lecture halls irritating fellow lecture mates out. And Chemistry lessons laughing at Mr Chang's ring tone and silently cursing under our breaths. Damn, I even miss Liew!
Alright, my download's complete so I'm off to watch the drama now! Yippee!
♥ 15:45