I feel extra paranoid whenever I am having my period. (Something to do with hormonal changes?) The phone just rang and when I picked it up (being the only anti-social hermit left in the house), instead of hearing a friendly "hello?", there was this creepy melody playing. Crap. I hope it's not some "One Missed Call" moment. I don't want to die like, days before my birthday please.
Anyway, my driving lessons started again after, omg, one month! The new instructor seems nice but looks are deceiving and I must remind myself not to be too nice! Ironically, I am super nice to strangers but extremely horrid to people I know sometimes. But anyway, my point is, I am super happy because the ID number I got from him was "37"!!! Lucky, much? It's like a super good omen. I'm bound to pass my practical now!
And I am secretly confident of my driving skills hahaha. I have not striked any kerb at all so far! :D
♥ 13:19
One more week and I'm gonna be 19. T_T Sian ttm!
♥ 00:22
OK, I think I haven't been so angry in a long time, and my anger is, surprisingly, directed to my asshole of a private driving instructor. So he goes MIA for 2 - 3 weeks, and after my constant pestering, he finally replies me with a simple message that I should go and look for a new instructor because he's facing some problems.
Goodness, like I'm going to believe him and let the matter rest! But whatever it is, I am definitely not going to learn under him anymore and am therefore looking for an instructor once again. What a bother and now my test date is going to be like super duper late! ARGH.
/edit: Everything appears to be settled for now...What a horrid experience =/
♥ 16:04
I swear I just saw my rabbits lying side by side, with one's arm on the other's body. OMFG. Soon they are going to start snoring in their sleep or something. Goodness.
♥ 00:04
After reading my previous blog posts, I conclude that I am subconsciously an incredibly narcissistic person. I'm serious, because
every single blog post beneath this one starts with the word "I"! OMG! I need to consciously make an effort to start blogging with a letter other than "I", but that's incredibly difficult.
Anws, so there's something I have been pondering over for a looong time now, and that is how I stupidly believe every single thing people tell me/I read/watch/hear of. I am too easily cheated! This is both a good and bad thing, because it proves that I believe human nature is good, but bad because it screams naivety! I need to apply the driving principle here: Perception,
judgment, reaction. I'm one of those people who skip the whole judgment step, which probably also explains why I often spout mean things.
It is also rather ironic because I consider myself to be a good liar. Boohoo.
♥ 17:17
I have this habit of making sure every single file in my computer is properly arranged in the right folder and with the proper name, but because I've been too
lazy busy to do so lately, I have months' worth of documents and photos piling up everywhere, all over the desktop. I swear I'm going bonkers trying to arrange them properly now. I can't even remember where some of the photos were taken! Thank goodness there was this period of time when I suddenly decided cam-whoring was boring so there aren't
that many photos; of course, I am now back to the good old camwhore I used to be (:
Anws, there's less than two months left now to the start of uni life! Exciting, yo! I've applied for hostel already, and although I'm a little worried about hygiene there and things like taking care of my meals and laundry, it all sounds pretty fun. Best part of all is I'm sharing with Yuhan! We can like, gossip through the night and all. :D
OK, I better get back to organising my desktop. Speaking of which, I thought of a name for my laptop finally, but I'm not telling you! HAHA
♥ 13:32
I should have known better than to promise myself anything openly on the blog.
:( I went and got myself this ultimately chio pink LG laptop! Okay, but who cares, I'm super duper happy with it and trying to think of a name for it. Suggestions, anyone?
♥ 20:58
I PASSED MY FTT!!! :D:D I sooo rock. But honestly I wonder if I can pass my TP. /dreads
And I have a newfound love for Baileys. How can anything taste so creamy, sweet, and alcoholic at the same time?! I also discovered something strange. I tend to feel more drowsy after drinking beer as compared to beverages with higher alcoholic content. Weird. Anyway this is what I'm talking about:

I can't wait for the PC Show next weekend! I'm finally going to get my own laptop (: Hopefully I won't end up buying something pink, because I'm trying to shake off the whole "cutesy" image. OK, please don't laugh at me for thinking I have a cute image in the first place xD.
My love for rilakkuma won't end though. :D
♥ 23:34
I am too lazy to study for my FTT right now, but the test is tomorrow and I don't want to fail again :( Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. I wonder how I am going to survive in university!
Also, I have finally found a phone which I like!! Yay! Which is good news, because my phone is really dying. It keeps shutting down by itself and I never get messages until hours later and they all come at the same time. How annoying.
♥ 13:16