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End of the World
The Blind Assassin

Your photo here.

3rd July 1990

my sunshines.

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix


♥aaron low
♥diane tan
♥leanne lim
♥rachel lee

live in the past.

January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009

much love.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Monday 14 September 2009

I actually got a new livejournal, so that I can start blogging again on a clean slate and away from prying eyes, since hanikamijane is more like my online shopping persona now. But I'm too lazy to get started on the layout and whatnots, so until then, I will live with shitty blogger!

Tonight, I'm gonna shut myself in the hall room and MUG MUG MUG. Wish me luck, friends!


Friday 11 September 2009


I'm super duper tired now but I cannot, cannot go to sleep because if I do I will probably end up missing my lesson. Actually I wonder what's the point of me going, since I'll just be stoning through it anyway. And the annoying tutor still hasn't put up the slides! :(

This week didn't go very well but last night was super fun! It was nice seeing Leqiao again after so long and catching up and of course dear wuyue and jovena were there too! So it was a fun sleepover. (: And I have loads of new movies and all to watch now when I'm supposed to be studying bored in hall.

Okay, time for me to get ready for lessons! Updates again soon!


Wednesday 9 September 2009

I seriously need to stop stealing Yuhan's kitkats, and actually start stocking up on food on my own! And I need to stop procrastinating and start decorating my ugly room, pronto.

School has been a huge bore, just going for lectures, trying to listen, going for tutorials, trying to understand and pretend I did my work, and waiting for things to happen. Hall life is starting to lose its appeal too. I'm missing home like crazy!

Anyway, SMU friends, I'll be there on Friday at around 2pm so please call/text me so we can meet and catch up! :D I'd like to visit the libraries and watch the people SMUg. HAHAHA.

I think I'll be visiting NUS the week after too, so keep it free for me, friends! (:


Sunday 6 September 2009

Furious rage again because this spree I took part in nearly two months ago is still MIA and I am too exhausted to continue hunting the stupid spree-er anymore! RAWR. First time such a thing is happening to me.

I should be studying for my accounting pop quiz tomorrow but information retaining is at an all-time low and I find more joy in MSN-ing people. Someone should invent something to auto-ban the Internet when I ought to be studying.

Anyway, interesting revelation today is that I actually miss home quite a lot! D: I haven't seen my elder sister for one whole week now because Monday-Friday = Hostel ftw, and on the weekends she was staying over at her bf's. WTF. I miss having airconditioning, TV, a bug-free toilet, lizard-free walkways, good home-cooked food and midnight snacks within reach ):

Uni life is draining my soul.


Friday 4 September 2009

I am stuck in hall alone without the fan and the lights ): How crappy can things get!? And it has to happen during lunch time when the hall office is not open.



Wednesday 2 September 2009

I embarrassed myself three times within the span of 2 hours, and during the first main committee meeting. How shitty can things get!?!

1) During the introductions I suddenly forgot that I was a business manager and introduced myself as a programmer. Then when I realised my mistake I gave this super bimbotic gasp and everyone laughed madly at me.

2) While the president was talking about something super serious I couldn't help it and yawned. And he made some comment about it and everyone laughed AGAIN.

3) We were exchanging numbers when I FORGOT my own number, and gave the wrong one. One minute later I finally realised my mistake.

I can't stand it! Why do I always end up as the resident bimbo everywhere I go?!? ARGHHH.


Sunday 30 August 2009

Quickie before I leave the house.

Got a new phone, ultimately pleased with it and realised that having more functions on your phone rocks when you can't find a pretty one to satisfy your vainity. Now I just need to find more fun games to install on my phone because bejeweled gets boring after a while. And for the curious, it's the LG Arena! So now both my laptop and phone are from LG. I'm such a loyal customer yo!

So many things I want to do, but I can't seem to find the time/people to do them with me! Please somebody ask me to go do a manicure/shop/ktv-ing/gorge at a buffet/watch a play/sleepover! Life is stale.

OK gotta run now, wednesdays and sundays shall now be my official updating days.
